Thursday, 20 March 2014

Room 3 are super writers!

We have been trying super hard in our writing this term. In Room 3 we have been working on listening for all the sounds in words and writing them down. This week we wrote about Superheroes.
Take a look at some of our fantastic stories.

My Superhero is called Batman. He is happy. He is blue. He is super. He is cool and he got blue hair. He fights bad people.

My Superhero is called Super Girl. She is a happy. She is a black cat. She eats rabbits. She has a pink dress on. She plays soccer out on the field.

Thomas B:
MySuperhero is called Captain Underpants. He can jump tall buildings without getting a wedgie. He can give badies wedgies. All Superheros look like they are flying around in their Underwear. Captain Underpants saves a school.

My Superhero is a boy. He can fight badies. He is blue and red.

My Superhero's name is Thomas G. He can fire bats at people. The bats eat people and take their heads off. They take the heads to Batman and Batman kicks their head to the sun and they burn.

My Superhero is a boy. He shoots webs. He can jump. He is red and blue.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Whiteboard writing

In Room 3 we are super writers. Every Friday, we have whiteboard writing and we write about anything we want. Take a look at some of our super stories.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Our Room 3 Superstars!

We have super clever kids in our class! Look at Alivia and Kirstin keeping in time to the 'Cup Song'.