Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Te Mata Peak Trip

We had an amazing day at Te Mata Peak today!  All of Team One headed off to Havelock North in the bus and tramped into the Redwoods.  We went on a Scavenger Hunt, had lunch and played, before heading back out to the bus.  Team Toru had a wonderful time!
A very special thank you to all of our fabulous Mums, Dads, Nannys and Sisters who came along and helped us today.  Team Toru think you are stars!!!

Friday, 22 May 2015

Disco Time at Mahora

Last night was the Mahora School Disco.  The theme was... "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
Check out these Team Toru Stars!

Disco Fun on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Shane the Balloon Man!

Today we had Shane come to visit us.  Earlier on in the year he dropped off a balloon car for us to look at, and today he came to school and showed us some amazing things.  He was able to turn balloons into all sorts of fabulous designs... flowers, snakes, poodles... even a man!
Team Toru was super impressed!
Thank you Shane for sharing your wonderful talents!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

A Dinosaur Bone comes to Team Toru

On Monday, Mrs Ingpen shared her dinosaur bone with Team Toru.  We each had a turn holding it.  It was super heavy!
Miss Stevenson our wonderful EIT Teacher, couldn't believe how big this was... we thought it was a leg bone.  Mrs Ingpen told us it was a femur.  I wonder what dinosaur it belonged to?  Some of Team Toru thought it came from a T-Rex!

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Team Toru became Paleontologists!

On Friday, Team Toru became Paleontologists!  Mrs G showed a completed skeleton of a Brachiosaurus and once everyone had a buddy, the children then set off with their pages of bones, to create a skeleton...
There are some awesome looking Brachiosaurus skeletons in our cloakbay!
Check these out!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Lunch Inside Today

Today Team Toru ate inside for the second time this year!  We all ate around our Kai Mat.  Here is a photo of us enjoying our healthy lunches!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

AKO Time today

Team Tahi, Team Rua, Team Toru and Team Wha all had Ako time again today.  We had a wonderful time discovering lots of new things...
Here are some photos of our learning -

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Leaf Fun

This afternoon Mrs Perry was in Team Toru's classroom as Mrs Gempton was doing some learning with the rest of the Team One teachers in the library.  Mrs Perry took everyone out to play in the leaves.  We talked about what the leaves sounded like as we walked amongst them and also what they looked like.   

Our Writing Wall

We walked in this morning and Mrs Gempton had created a Writing wall where we can showcase our best writing of the week... 
Come in and check it out!

Friday, 1 May 2015

I Wonder...

Today Team Toru learnt some new information about Dinosaurs.  This afternoon we wrote down things we wanted to find out about Dinosaurs.  We wrote a question which we called 'Our Wonderings" and put them on our wall.  Some of the things we want to find out are...

  • Why did they die?
  • How do they fly?
  • How do they eat?
We will keep you posted with our discoveries!

Mufti Day in Team Toru

Mufti Day is always a fun day at Mahora School.  Here is Team Toru doing a 'silly' photo on Mufti Day Friday :-)