Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Reading with Foxes Today

Here are the wonderful Fox in Socks Reading Group.  They are generating words using our wonderful whiteboard table... aren't they super clever!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Reading with Corban

Corban used Show Me to take a photo and read the part of his story he liked best.  This was his first time using this app.  Well done Corban!  Tomorrow he is going to have another try and then he can begin to teach others!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Matariki Whanau Afternoon

This afternoon we visited our Tuakana Teina buddy class, Room 11.  Our whanau had been invited to be a part of our Matariki Celebration.  We shared a story with them, then did our Matariki Macarena and finally worked with our buddy to weave our Matariki Star.  Thank you to Room 11 for helping us with these and thank you too, to all of the whanau that turned up to be a part of our special afternoon :-)

Ako Time

We had great fun at Ako Time today...
Some us got busy with a hammer and nails, others did dinosaur painting or puppets, still others were busy creating art, stichery, paper people...
Lots of children were involved in building, dressing-up and moving to music...
Here are some of Team Toru having fun in the dress ups!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Tuakana Teina

Today we worked with our Tuakana Teina Buddies, Room 11.  We were learning about Matariki.  We began learning the Matariki Macarena, read a story about Matariki and began our stars for weaving.
Look at these smiling faces!

Phonics in Team Toru

We started Stage 4 Phonics in Team Toru... check out the super spellers!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Caterpillar Shoes

Team Toru spent a week writing stories about a video we watched called "Caterpillar Shoes" from the website, The Literacy Shed.  We really enjoyed the story as it was very funny...
First we made a picture plan, drawing what happened at the beginning the middle and the end.  Then we began retelling the story using lots of adjectives.  We are publishing our stories on Monday, but you can check out our work at school on the wall... we would love you to come and have a look at our awesome Writing.

Here is the link for "Caterpillar Shoes", if you would like to watch it at home.  Click on the picture and it will take you to the Literacy Shed site.  :-)

Reading in Team Toru

This week we have been working hard at SQUIRT in our room...
We have been learning how to read quietly, either in our head or in a quiet voice.  We are very very good at it too...

Team Toru have also been using their Browsing Boxes this week.  These are boxes of books with stories that we can choose for ourselves.  We were allowed to choose two books to take home.

Ako Time

On Tuesday we had Ako time in the afternoon.  There were lots of awesome things to do... Mrs McEntee had stitchery and painting in her room, there were paper dolls, dressing up and moving to music in Team Toru, and lots of constructing and creating in Team Tahi and Team Rua... not to mention a mini-classroom!
Here are some photos...

Friday, 5 June 2015

A Fun Time with Team Waru

On Friday Mrs Gempton went to Napier with the JRock team.  Miss BT came into our classroom to teach us.  We had a wonderful day.  After play we had fun sports activities with Team Waru.  Check out these fabulous photos of Team Toru and Team Waru working together!
Thanks Miss BT and Miss Kittow :-)

Gorgeous Dinosaurs

Miss Stevenson helped us to create the most amazing Dinosaur pictures... they took us four lessons to finish.  We used handprints for the dinosaurs, sponge painting for the background and cotton wool for the collage volcanoes.  Don't they look fabulous...
Thank you Miss Stevenson for helping us to create our materpieces!