Sunday, 20 March 2016

Something to Practise at Home :-)

Today we began learning this song...
We have this attitude at school... don't give up!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Art Today!

We started creating our butterflies today.  We did it one stage at a time... pencil work first and then marker pen.  After that we used pastel to colour the wings.  At our next art session we will cut our butterflies out and mount them on blue card :-)
Check out the concentration on these beautiful faces...

Sunday, 13 March 2016

School Interviews

Hi Parents and Whanau
Don't forget to book your interview for next week!  This is such a wonderful way to share all of the fabulous learning your tamariki are doing :-)
Here is the link for you - School Interview Booking Site
If you have a problem doing this at home, come into school and we can book it together.
Mrs Gempton

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Tuakana Teina with Room 11

This morning we visited our Tuakana Teina buddies over in Room 11.  We really enjoyed finding a spot in the classroom to listen to our buddies read their special writing.  Team Toru tamariki showed great audience manners today!  Thanks for having us Room 11!

Ako Time on Friday

We had our second AKO Time on Friday.  Piki Pod, Team Tahi, Rua, Toru and Wha all got together to do some great learning.  This is a very special time where we can work with and alongside, other tamariki from Year 0-2 classrooms.  Lots of discussion, discovering and creating takes place.  Here are some photos of Team Toru kids having fun!  You can also visit the Ako Blog to see other photos from the morning :-)

Friday, 11 March 2016

Knowledge Game

Some children are working on writing numbers to 20 as their focus on their Maths Train.  You might like to practise using this game...

Writing Numbers

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Taonga Box

Here we are with our Taonga Boxes... very special treasures!

Maths Fun

Check out Violet Group adding tens to 2-digit numbers.  Woo hoo!!!  You guys rock!!!

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Reminder about Our Trip

Hi Team Toru
I hope that you have had a lovely day today.  Mrs G has done a lot of learning with the rest of the teachers at Mahora School!!!
Just a reminder... please bring back your permission slips for our trip to Keirunga Gardens next week.  See you tomorrow!! :-)

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Triathlon!!

Today was the School Triathlon!  Team Toru headed out first thing in the morning to see what it was all about.  After play, we got changed and organised our shoes and helmets.  We then walked out to wait our turn.  We were so excited and nervous!  Here are some photos of us before, during and after.  Team Toru rocked it!