Sunday, 17 April 2016

Message from Mrs G

Cool Flash Comments

Goodbye Miss Pierson

On Friday 15 April we had a special Assembly.  Not only was it our last day of Term 1, but it was also Miss Pierson's last day at Mahora School.  
All the very best in your new job Miss Pierson.  We will miss you so much at Mahora School.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Cat in the Hats share a Play

On Thursday, the Cat in the Hat Reading Group shared a play with the class.  It was very funny!  The play was called "Invisible" and needed five people to play the parts.  The group got to dress up if they wanted to.
We were all very impressed with the way they spoke to an audience and used different voices.
Ka mau te wehi... we think you are pretty awesome!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Fun at Keirunga Gardens

Today all of Team 2 at Mahora School went to Keirunga Gardens.  We had an awesome time riding on the trains and having a scavenger hunt amongst all of the wonderful gardens there.  A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE WONDERFUL WHANAU THAT CAME ALONG TO HELP US!  Check out these great photos of happy tamariki!

Our Ideas for a New Playground

Team Toru have been thinking about the Junior Playground and how it could be given a bit of a 'face-lift'!  This afternoon with the help of our Tuakana Teina buddies, we designed some layouts for our new 'proposed' playground.  Mrs Gempton has shared them with Mr Pearse... I wonder what he thinks of them?  :-)

Sunday, 10 April 2016

A Special sharing with Team Rua

Over this week, Team Toru have been working hard at writing, then crafting, and finally publishing a piece of writing.  This process took four days!  On Friday we were able to take our stories next door to Team Rua and share them.  This was an awesome experience for Team Toru tamariki!  We felt very proud!

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

More Super Handwriting

We are continuing to work really hard at our Handwriting in Team Toru.  Here are four Handwriting Stars from today's focus on the letter Nn...

Monday, 4 April 2016

Counting in 2s

We have been learning how to count in 2s... here is an awesome video that shares skip-counting in a fun way :-)

Super Handwriters

Today for Handwriting we were focusing on the letter Mm.  We were looking at size, shape and formation.  When we had finished our work, we circled our 'favourite' letter - we then explained to Mrs Gempton why this was our favourite...
Here are two pieces of work by Ali and Naima, who both tried very hard today to do their personal best.  Ka mau te wehi you two!!