Tuesday, 4 August 2015

AKO Time in Team Tahi, Rua, Toru and Wha

We had Ako time this afternoon.  It was the first time the new Team Rua were involved.  Team Toru made sure that they showed the Mahora Values of responsibility and connectedness today and helped the new tamariki.  Here are some photos of our experiences :-)


  1. Wow Team Toru-you guys look amazing in all your dress up costumes!! I am going to come over and check out your fabulous AKO time next week. Miss Smith

  2. Ata marie Team Toru

    Wow what a amazing class you have. I wish I could be in your class room. I would like to dress up as a Kangaroo.

    I hope you have a good day.

    From Renee
    Six Team

    1. We don't have a kangaroo costume Renee, but we do have a duck or a ladybird you might like to wear... or a spiderman or a dinosaure.
      Thank you for your comment.
      From Team Toru
