Wednesday 4 May 2016

Thursday's Top Learning

Today we had an awesome day of learning in Team Toru.  It started before school!  Children were busy writing words and numbers on whiteboards before the bell had even rung!  AWESOME LEARNING ATTITUDES TAMARIKI!  We measured our chains today using our bee rulers... we discovered some interesting challenges... what to do when we run out of ruler, how do we measure bits of bees... lots to talk about and learn!  Team Toru have also become awesome silent readers.  We enjoy sitting at our tables reading quietly to ourselves!  Mrs Gempton is so proud of your efforts Team Toru!  What a fantastic start to Term 2!


  1. Great going team toru! Tom...have you taken over Mrs Gempton's chair??? From Toms Mum =)

  2. Your maths looks like heaps of fun Team Toru - how long is the chain if you add them all together?? from Jack's Mum

  3. Good to see you all enjoying Term 2 Team Toru , keep up the great work.
